Title Sponsor

Operator Mentoring Program

Sunday, October 13 | 4:30pm to 6:30pm

The most effective business leaders in any field attribute their success in part to having a mentor. In this event, you will be paired with a group led by two mentors, a young and dynamic entrepreneur as well as a wise, established leader—both seasoned professionals—for a conversation like no other. You can ask questions, seek invaluable advice, and swap ideas and tips with your mentors as well as your group. One of the core tenets of the CD/NLA Show is the exchange of knowledge, so who better to learn from than your peers, who understand the unique challenges and triumphs you face every day. This event is an absolute must for those who envision long-term growth and the fortification of their operations for years to come.

Register early for your best chance at picking your preferred mentors but note that the roster may be subject to change. In the event that your group is full, or your mentor is unable to attend, you will be accommodated and welcomed into another group.